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  • Hozier cried power

    nina cried power,hozier
    Roïs Boule, www.roïsboule.com


    It's not the wakin', it's the risin'
    It is the groundin' of a foot uncompromisin'
    It's not forgoin' of the lie
    It's not the openin' of eyes
    It's not the wakin', it's the risin'
    It's not the shade we should be cast in
    It's the light and it's the obstacle that casts it
    It's the heat that drives the light
    It's the fire it ignites
    It's not the wakin', it's the risin'
    It's not the song, it is the singin'
    It's the heaven of the human spirit ringin'
    It is the bringin' of the line
    It is the bearin' of the lie
    It's not the wakin', it's the risin'
    And I could cry power
    Power, Lord

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  • Nothing Fucks With My Baby - Hozier

    hozier,nothing fucks with my baby

    Ain't it a gentle sound, the rollin' in the graves?
    Ain't it like thunder under earth, the sound it makes?
    Ain't it exciting you, the rumble where you live?
    Ain't it warming you, the world goin' up in flames?
    Ain't it the life of you, you're lighting off the place?
    Ain't it a waste it watch the throwing of its shade?
    Ain't you my baby? Ain't you my baby...

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  • Yours or mine - Suzanne Santo

    suzanne santo,hozier,yours or mine, raquel correia
    Palais de Mateus - Crédits photographiques Raquel Correia


    I don't want your sadness walkin' me home
    I don't want your angry mouth singin' me a song
    I wanna sleep through the night
    Without your demons kickin' me
    Without the scramblin' noise over our reverie


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  • Movement - Hozier

    movement, hozier, karim hobeika
    Crédits photographiques Karim Hobeika


    You are a call to motion
    There all of you a verb in perfect view
    Like Jonah on the ocean
    You are the rite of movement
    Its reasonin' made lucid and cool
    When you move, I'm moved
    When you move, I'm put to mind of all that I wanna be
    When you move, I could never define all that you are to me
    When you move, I can recall somethin' that's gone from me
    When you move, Honey, I'm put in awe of somethin' so flawed and free
    So move me, baby, shake like the bough of a willow tree
    So move me, baby, like you've nothin' left to prove and nothin' to lose,
    You do it naturally, move me, baby
    Move like grey skies
    Move like a bird of paradise
    Move like an odd sight come out at night

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  • The wrong man - Suzanne Santo

    suzanne santo,hozier,blood on my hands,the wrong man,albator, captain harlock

    I had justice on my mind

    suzanne santo,hozier,blood on my hands,the wrong man,albator, captain harlock

    But who the hell am I?

    suzanne santo,hozier,blood on my hands,the wrong man,albator, captain harlock

    All of my ammunition was just my goddamn ambition

    suzanne santo,hozier,blood on my hands,the wrong man,albator, captain harlock

    To do the wrong thing to make it right


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  • Handshake - Suzanne Santo

     handshake,suzanne santo,hozier, grogCrédits photographiques Jana Hobeika


    If we're gonna drink then pour it straight
    Don't water down my whiskey babe


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  • In the woods somewhere

     hozier,in the woods
    Crédits photographiques Elie Mehdi - recolorisée


    How many years          I know I'll bear
    I found something                  in the woods somewhere

    My head was warm              my skin was soaked
    I called your name            'til the fever broke

    When I awoke            the moon still hung
    The night so black               that the darkness hummed


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