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  • Water - Karen Mary Berr

    karen mary berr,water,bernin
    Le Bernin


    This woman who meets me
    in mirrors, who you alone truly
    undressed – she is out of reach.
    Her contours are translucent,
    they burn in flames
    like cellophane in the blind air.
    Your hands are the only borders
    I remember, they outline everything
    I am and everything I ever was.
    I am the line of red ocher
    painted on your grave, curving
    each letter of your name.
    No touch alters your touch

    How much piety is there inside
    a woman’s body when it sighs ?
    Each time you came, above
    and below me, I vanished
    into that one sound which claimed
    my body was no longer here.

    The warmth gone, the unborn child.

    I am, extend my thirst —


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